Часто задаваемые вопросы

How can I use Deskomy across different devices?
You just need a browser to access your personal account on Deskomy with any device. There are no additional apps or steps between you and all of your data
How can I upload and download files or folders?
Both Upload and download can be done with dragging files in and and out of Deskomy. You can also use right click and choose Upload or Download
Can I expand my account storage?
You can manage, expand or downgrade your storage by going to Right Click > Settings > Storage in your Deskomy Desktop
What if the person I want to share something doesn’t have a Deskomy account?
You can still share files and folders using their e-mail. Deskomy will automatically send them an invitation e-mail, and they'll be able to accept your file once they're registered
What are the file size limitations for upload or sharing?
Deskomy doesn't limit the size of files that you upload or share with others
Will my desktop files be syncronized automatically?
No, you will have to manually upload the files you want to save on our cloud

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